Are You Embarrassed
Because It’s Been A While
Since You’ve Been To
The Dentist?
Dentist in Mount
Kisco, NY,
Dr. Steven Abel understands what you’re going through. Dr. Abel is proud to say
that the entire team here at Westchester Dental Care takes great pride in
helping nervous patients get the dental care that they need. We understand that there are many reasons
people avoid going to the dentist. Some
patients may have had a bad experience in the past, often as a child.
We take pride in the fact that we spend what ever time is
necessary to understand each individual patient’s concerns. It is very gratifying for us to see someone
who comes in that is very fearful, but gradually becomes confident at every
dental visit. This happens regularly at
our office, because we offer comfortable dental treatment for our patients in a
caring, non threatening, and non judgemental environment.
If you’ve been thinking that you really should make that dental
appointment, but have been putting it off for a long time, you don’t have to
worry any longer. We are here for
you. You should also know that when you
come for your visit, we won’t lecture you!
We understand that many factors affect dental health including
environmental and hereditary factors. We
just want you to know that we will do everything possible to help you achieve a
healthy and optimal smile.
If you are embarrassed about the condition of your teeth, please
understand that we have seen worse, and you are not alone! The good news is that if we work together, we
can come up with a plan that fits into your life. We will help you achieve that smile of your
dreams, and you won’t have to be embarrassed any longer.
Give us a call today at (914)
241-2242 to schedule your complimentary consultation. While you’re here, be sure and let us know if
there is anything in particular that has kept you from visiting the dentist in
the past. It is our goal to make your
experience in our office a very pleasant one.
Your comfort is our number one priority.
If you’re looking for a great dentist in the Mount Kisco NY
area, this is the office for you! We
look forward to meeting you soon.
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